We are a multi-disciplinary team, and we are always looking for highly self-motivated students with quantitative skills and a strong interest in neuroscience to join us. We provide mentorship and support to nurture future neuroscientists in an open, diverse, and inclusive environment.
*** Please follow the instructions below and submit all the required materials, so that your application is reviewed.
Undergraduate Student Positions
***Update on 2025-02-10: we have a few openings in 2025 May/September for highly determined and motivated students.
Independent research projects: Please follow this link: https://forms.gle/5TJKof5J58SWQETv5. Students with strong electrical engineering/CS backgrounds are particularly welcome. Qian checks the Google forms at least every 2 weeks and reads ALL the applications.
- *** ROP113: Develop a closed-loop virtual reality (VR) system to provide a naturalistic and interactive environment for head-fixed juvenile zebrafish (*** New 2025/2026).
- CSB497/498 or BCB330/430: we should plan for course projects. Please apply in advance and experience the lab before the course project.
- Summer research awards: our priority is our existing students with excellent research progress and achievements, so you should start in the lab one or two semesters in advance.
- Volunteers: volunteering positions are set up as short-term (usually 1-4 weeks, maximally 1 semester) bridges for other research positions so that you know better about our lab and ongoing projects before committing to a course/summer project.
Work-Study positions (2-3): Zebrafish fish feeding. Please look for our post on Clnx in April for summer, and in August for Fall/Winter.
Graduate Student Positions
Please fill in this form if you are interested in graduate student positions: https://forms.gle/i2FTesk1GvaTxYYf9
As our lab is in the Department of Cell & Systems Biology (CSB), please also apply for the CSB graduate program (here) in parallel.
Potential fellowships:
- For international students: data science, general.
- For domestic & international students: data science.
Postdoctoral Positions
- A postdoc in optics or physics: maintain and operate 2p microscopes (primary responsibility), assist in building behavioral rigs, perform systems neuroscience research, and potentially build cost-effective microscopes optimized for neural recordings in zebrafish. Funding is available for 3-5 years. Application is open until 2024-12-31.
- A potential postdoc in computational neuroscience Funding will be subject to future grants or postdoc fellowships. https://datasciences.utoronto.ca/postdoctoral-fellowship/, https://schmidtfellows.utoronto.ca/apply/
If you are interested in our postdoc positions, please email Qian Lin with the application materials:
- A cover letter that explains why you are interested in our research, and what you plan to do in our lab;
- CV highlighting your skill sets and publications;
- Contact information for two reference letters.